1) How is it already February? It was January, like, yesterday.
2) Holy moley, we open Sunday in the Park with George in just over a week.
3) Holy moley, we tech this weekend. So. Many. Hours.
4) People are starting to talk about their next projects, which makes me kind of sad. We haven't even opened our show yet, and for once I'd love to stay in the moment of this show, just focus on this show. Granted, I also am overlapping projects a bit. But the intensity of the Lord of the Rings choir is much lighter than a traditional show, so I don't feel bad about overlapping. Regardless, I'd love to focus on what we have right here, right now. Worry about future projects later.
5) But on the other hand, I'm super excited to get back to auditioning again. There's a lot of cool projects happening in the area this next season, and I've got at least three auditions already scheduled. Good stuff is coming. I feel pretty good about it.
6) But for now, I'm working on memorizing my monologues and prepping audition material, getting prepared for the dance and drama classes that I'm teaching, and then spending some time getting actual relaxation time in. With books. And television. Because I watched 4 half-hour episodes of TV today, which I haven't done in forever, so it was pretty awesome.